Member Recruitment

Recruitment is the lifeblood of the fraternity and Beta Theta Pi wants to meet every potential member who is living its values and worthy of wearing the badge.

If you are a potential member interested in joining Beta, go here to find the name and contact information for the vice president of recruitment on your campus.

If you are an alumnus, parent or friend and want to refer an outstanding young man to a Beta chapter for consideration, go here to find the name and contact information for local chapter leaders. We recommend sending information about a legacy or potential member to the chapter president, VP of recruitment and at least one chapter advisor. Please include details about the activities and interests of the potential member, as well as his contact information.

Beta has a comprehensive toolkit of recruitment trainings, workshops and resources for officers, advisors and members posted on the Fraternity's Learning Center.

If you have problems accessing the Learning Center, contact the Administrative Office at 800.800.BETA or send an email to