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ChapterSpot: Chapter Communications, New Member Recruitment and Alumni Engagement Platform

All too often Beta undergraduates and alumni encounter similar hurdles toward achieving short and long-term goals for their chapter and alumni network. How often have you and your fellow brothers experienced one or more of the following?

Undergraduate Chapter

  • Poor communication among the brotherhood
  • No centralized calendar
  • Outdated website
  • Confusing and separate logins and passwords
  • Lost officer binders
  • Missing digital files for routine chapter projects
  • No centralized background info on recruits
  • Referrals and legacies falling through the cracks
  • Lacking expertise on best practices for communicating with alumni, parents and university stakeholders


  • Newsletters blocked by spam
  • Outdated website
  • Unaware of major chapter events
  • Difficult to find undergraduate officer contact information
  • Waiting on an alumni directory from Oxford
  • Differences in alumni directory spreadsheets
  • Unsure where to provide capital campaign updates and construction/fundraising information
  • Lacking graphic design and technical tools to professionally communicate with fellow alumni

“Once a Beta, Always a Beta, Everywhere a Beta.” Right?

Ironically, in a recent study conducted by an independent research firm, 48% of Beta alumni feel disconnected from their chapter and the larger fraternity. At the same time, undergraduate Betas consistently voice concerns about a lack of alumni involvement, as well as how to efficiently communicate with one another and better manage the chapter they all love. Hardly a ringing endorsement of lifelong fraternal brotherhood, wouldn’t you say?

As a part of the Board of Trustees' strategic plan, the Fraternity's leadership has been working to assemble a comprehensive package of best practices, training and tools aimed at addressing three critical engagement opportunities:

  • Chapter Communications
  • New Member Recruitment
  • Alumni Engagement

While a considerable portion of the Fraternity's efforts will be focused on training undergraduate brothers and volunteers in these three areas, the Trustees know that technology can support our members who desire to see their chapter's alumni experience improved.

One of the first tools introduced was ChapterSpot, a comprehensive platform that arms chapters, advisors and house corporations (or chapter-specific alumni associations for unhoused chapters) with management tools to help build a stronger, more connected undergraduate and alumni brotherhood. The end result? A multidimensional online presence and operations toolbox for every single chapter and colony of the Fraternity.

Next Steps:

The General Fraternity began offering access to ChapterSpot in August 2014 at no charge for all chapters, colonies, house corporations and chapter-specific alumni associations. There are several expectations that must be met in order to maximize the service’s effectiveness for the entire Fraternity.

To enroll:

Send an email confirming your group’s desire to access ChapterSpot to Nathan Balkenbusch, Kansas State '14. John serves as the associate director of business operations at the Administrative Office in Oxford, Ohio, and is overseeing the ChapterSpot partnership for the Fraternity.

Once ChapterSpot is enabled for your group, you must redirect any existing website URLs to the chapter’s/colony’s new professionally developed ChapterSpot website. ChapterSpot site URLs use the format [school]


For more information please contact Nathan Balkenbusch at the Administrative Office at 800.800.BETA.