We Did It!

Beta Theta Pi's Promises to Keep Campaign has surpassed its goal of $20 million to advance the Men of Principle initiative. Special thanks to 4,321 Betas, Sweethearts, parents and Friends of Beta who contributed to this historic achievement!

Campaign Summary

In 2011, the Fraternity's Board of Trustees and Foundation Board of Directors were united in the belief that the Men of Principle initiative must remain at the core of the General Fraternity's long-term programming for all 137 chapters, 1,300 volunteers, 10,000 undergraduates and 130,000 alumni. By reaching the campaign goal, Beta Theta Pi becomes the first fraternity (or sorority) to successfully complete two $20 million campaigns. More important than the amount raised, however, is what this campaign has allowed Beta to accomplish. See the tangible results of the campaign as expressed in terms of the campaign's three original promises:

Promise #1: Expand Student Participation in Award-Winning Men of Principle Programs

  • Added two sessions of the John and Nellie Wooden Institute helping 759 additional Betas attend (160 annually) since 2013
  • Lowered registration costs to the Peter F. Greiner Leadership College at convention resulting in 2,215 discounted registrations since 2013
  • Secured $3,008,360 in leadership development endowment gifts which will provide new student sponsorships every year in perpetuity

Promise #2: Launch New Online Engagement Platforms for Students, Advisors and Beta Volunteers

  • Established an online engagement platform to help deliver men of principle concepts over the web
  • Upgraded chapter-focused online resources for officers and advisors
  • Made available to every chapter professionally branded websites and newsletters that sync with Beta's international database. 

Promise #3: Build a State of the Art Learning Laboratory and Historical Preservation Center within the Administrative Office in Oxford, Ohio

  • Upgraded the Administrative Office and grounds so it is now suitable for hosting leadership programs
  • Installed a high density storage preservation system to secure Beta’s cherished history
  • Digitized 80,000+ pages of the Beta magazine since 1872, which are searchable and now available online at magazine.archive.beta.org
The Future...

In conjunction with the funds raised from The Promises to Keep Campaign, the Beta Leadership Fund will continue to play a crucial role in keeping up with student demand to make sure the Fraternity is truly developing men of principle for a principled life. We hope to have your ongoing support for the BLF.

Special thanks to The Promises to Keep Campaign Cabinet who led the Fraternity through this significant milestone:

Tom Cassady, Cincinnati '76, Co-Chairman
Bob Grand, Wabash '78, Co-Chairman
Ethan Braden, Willamette '02
Mike Feinstein, MIT '82
Jeff Greiner, SMU '80
Doug Houser, Willamette '57
Wayne Kay, Virginia Tech '73
Jeff Leiberman, Pennsylvania '96
Vince Mikolay, Bethany '00
Tom Purinton, Kansas State '63
Bob Schaupp, Lawrence '51
John Stebbins, Emory '92
Dave Wright, Ohio State '67

"The legacy we provide to the next generation of Betas through our well-refined programs is so important not just for our Fraternity, but for loving families, good businesses, and strong, freedom-loving governments. This campaign will allow our Fraternity to teach men leadership, accountability, and to keep their promises in perpetuity. Is there anything better than that?"

Tom Cassady, Cincinnati ’76, Campaign Co-Chairman

"The legacy we provide to the next generation of Betas through our well-refined programs is so important not just for our Fraternity, but for loving families, good businesses, and strong, freedom-loving governments. This campaign will allow our Fraternity to teach men leadership, accountability, and to keep their promises in perpetuity. Is there anything better than that?"

Tom Cassady, Cincinnati ’76, Campaign Co-Chairman

"This Campaign will help maintain Beta’s strong commitment to leadership training and development, creating greater access for undergraduates from ALL chapters to benefit from a rich Beta experience – one that is rooted deeply in brotherhood and Beta, Theta, Pi."

Bob Grand, Wabash ’78, Campaign Co-Chairman