Leave your mark ... for the ___kai___!

The Sons of the Dragon Club
The Sons of the Dragon Club is the Beta Foundation’s annual giving program exclusively for pledging or initiated undergraduates. The Club is a unique way for undergraduates to learn about the Foundation and join other Betas and friends providing charitable gifts that fund the leadership programs and resources of the Men of Principle initiative. The deadline to join the Club this year is April 1.
How Do I Join The Club?
Any undergraduate who gives $18.39 or more to the Beta Leadership Fund is a member of the Club for the year. Gifts can be made online, at a Beta event or through the mail at:
Beta Theta Pi Foundation
PO Box 6277
Oxford, OH 45056
What Recognition Is Available to Students Who Join in 2022?
Individual Recognition – Undergraduates who join with a gift of $18.39 by April 1 will receive a 2022 Sons of the Dragon Club hat. Betas who double their gift to $36.78+ will receive both hats. All hats will be shipped to chapters in early April. As in years past, all gifts will be counted among Beta’s Giving Day Challenge totals, but to receive your individual incentive(s) you must join before the deadline.
Senior Recognition – Along with receiving a hat for joining the Club, graduating seniors are also eligible to receive the Executive Beta Padfolio (embossed with the Fraternity’s logo). To qualify for this item, seniors must commit to joining the Auto-Kai Club as an alumnus, which entails recurring monthly contributions of $8 or more to the Beta Leadership Fund beginning on August 8, 2022 – Founders’ Day.
Chapter Recognition – Chapters reaching 100% participation or 63+ Club members (Beta’s average chapter size) will receive frameable 8x10 prints of their chapter's Coat of Arms for each and every member to display proudly. All chapter incentives will arrive to chapters before the end of the spring 2022 semester/quarter to distribute before graduation.
How Do I Know My Gift Makes A Difference?
Gifts to the Beta Leadership Fund are given right back to Beta undergraduates in the form of leadership program sponsorships, Need-Based Relief Scholarships and Men of Principle Scholarships for recruitment. No other fraternity foundation grants more to its chapters than the Beta Foundation, and our fundraising efficiency leads the fraternal world ($0.90 of every dollar spent by the Beta Foundation last year went directly to undergraduate scholarships and programs). In simple terms, the $27,455 raised by the members of the 2021 Sons of the Dragon Club provided the funding for 27 chapters to receive Men of Principle Scholarship Grants for use in recruitment ($1,000 per chapter) or 109 relief scholarships ($250 per member) to help relieve tuition expenses for brothers in need. Although your gift of $18.39 may seem small, you are joining thousands of your brothers and Friends of Beta in collectively making a significant impact in the lives of your brothers.